24Now the Lord is about to lay waste the earth and make it desolate, and he will twist its surface and scatter its inhabitants. 2And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the slave, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the creditor, so with the debtor. 3The earth shall be utterly laid waste and utterly despoiled; for the Lord has spoken this word. 4The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers; the heavens languish together with the earth. 5The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. 6Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth dwindled, and few people are left. 7The wine dries up, the vine languishes, all the merry-hearted sigh. 8The mirth of the timbrels is stilled, the noise of the jubilant has ceased, the mirth of the lyre is stilled. 9No longer do they drink wine with singing; strong drink is bitter to those who drink it. 10The city of chaos is broken down, every house is shut up so that no one can enter. 11There is an outcry in the streets for lack of wine; all joy has reached its eventide; the gladness of the earth is banished. 12Desolation is left in the city, the gates are battered into ruins.
13For thus it shall be on the earth and among the nations, as when an olive tree is beaten, as at the gleaning when the grape harvest is ended.
From the oremus Bible Browser https://bible.oremus.org v2.9.2 30 June 2021.